Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Low Ad Relevance

Low Ad Relevance
If your ads aren’t relevant, people won’t want to click them. Try Section Targeting to focus Google on the ideas you want to emphasize. (If that works you might want to take things a little further by turning each section into a different page. That will give even more ads and more opportunities to earn). Alternatively, you can play with the keywords on your page, change the title of each page so that they include a keyword you’re trying to target or include more section titles. All of these options should help to keep your ads on track. It’s also possible that at least part of your site requires users to log in. Google’s AdSense Crawler can’t do that so it can’t tell Google which ads to serve on those membership pages. So you get irrelevant ads. The solution is to use the Site Authentication link under your AdSense Setup tab. You’ll have to confirm that the site is yours but once you’ve done that, it’s just a question of providing the crawler with a username and password.
Too Many Public Service Ads
Public service ads are another sign of a keyword problem. You might not be hitting the keywords you want, or it could be that there simply aren’t any ads for the keywords you’re aiming for.
The first thing you need to do is make sure that you’ve got something to show instead of public service ads, nice though they are. You can specify an alternate URL to show, use GoogleAdSensePlus or try Google Backfill to make sure that you’re still earning even when the keywords aren’t working. Your next step though, is going to be to fix the problem. Make sure that Google does have ads for the keyword you’re targeting (you can use one of the preview tools such as to do this). If nothing comes up, you’ll need to throw different keywords onto your page. If something does come up — and it’s not what you’re getting — you can just use all of the keyword strategies I mentioned earlier to dump those PSAs.My Ads Have Disappeared!
When Google made it possible for publishers to name their ad units and change them all automatically without repasting the code, it wanted to make sure that publishers didn’t accidentally delete them. So Google didn’t create a delete feature. Instead ads that aren’t shown for seven days are automatically made inactive. If your ads are on a page that gets no traffic at all — perhaps because it’s a test page or because it’s just been built — those ads might disappear. You’ll need to make the ads active again... and look at them at least once a week until you show the page to users.
Too Few Ads In A Unit
Sometimes a four-ad ad unit will only show one or two ads. There’s nothing you can do about this and it’s not really a problem. If you’re getting just one ad, you could be earning by CPM instead of cost-per-click. If you’re getting two ads — as Google likes to serve them sometimes — you just have to hope that they’re doing it because it pays better. With AdSense, you don’t get to control everything!

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